Fruits and Berries Sharing the Gift of Growing Good Health

For the vast majority of people, obtaining and/or maintaining good health is an important goal in life. Unfortunately, good health isn't guaranteed and people must take certain steps, such as exercising and eating healthy, to reach that goal. Fruit plays a major role when it comes to eating a healthy diet. People should incorporate more fresh fruits into their diets by adding them to their meals or having them as snacks during the day. Berries are tasty and convenient fruits that are portable and highly nutritious. Popular berries include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. While they are readily available in stores, they are fruits that may also be grown in one's home garden under the right circumstances.

When choosing berries or other fruits to either plant or buy for immediate consumption, one should consider their color. That's because berries are high in antioxidants, which is often related to the fruit's pigment. Berries that are blue, red, or purple contain anthocyanins, which may help with memory, aging, and reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. Blueberries, for example, are one of the healthiest foods and are considered a "superfood" due to the high levels of antioxidants that they contain, including vitamin C and manganese. Red raspberries are berries that also have high levels of vitamin C and can be helpful when it comes to inflammation and arthritis. By understanding how these fruits are helpful, people can make the healthiest choices when it comes to what they consume.

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